
California | Joshua Tree

12/Ago/2014 - Allan Nadel - Califórnia - Estados Unidos

Those fields of daisies we landed on, and dusty fields and desert stretches. Memories of many skies and earths beneath us – many days, many nights of stars.

-Anne Morrow Lindberbh on Joshua Tree

Joshua Tree in the Fall. I suspect that it looks the same year after year. Part of its eerie suspended in time character and appeal. Walking through the desolate boulder horizons, stargazing around a campfire, and enjoying the peace of no cell phone signal will kick your ego into the slow lane. The alien cacti and life forms move on without you here, and will after you leave, and that’s oddly comforting. We were lucky on a weekday getting a campsite at Jumbo Rocks and spent the daytime scrambling around the rocks, cactus gardens and staying hydrated.

-Rhea Cortado

Rhea Cortado’s day job is copy writing, blogging and communicating for The Seea, a surf fashion meets function clothing brand.  She does freelance writing trend reports for industry newspapers. Rhea owns way more bikinis and swimsuits than real clothes and shoes. When the waves are flat or scary and weather is crap, she sometimes updates her blog, www.thesurftorialist.com.

Photography: Allan Nadel